Christ Coming Home Page


o     Abadon

o     Abomination of Desolation

o     Abortion

o     Angels

§       Angels sealing God’s servants on their forehead during the first half of the Great Tribulation

§       Fallen Angels thrown out of Heaven as the second half of Great Tribulation starts (Refer to Satan)

§       Angels preaching the everlasting gospel during the second half of the Great Tribulation

o     Antichrist

§        Emergence of Antichrist

§        Antichrist and the Ten Kingdom of the Revived Roman Empire (Refer to Revived Roman Empire)

§        The Person of the Antichrist

§        False Church Receives Antichrist’s Support (Refer to False Church)

§        Death and Resurrection of Antichrist at the end of the first half of the Great Tribulation

§        Ascension of the Antichrist over the Nations

§        God destroys the False Church through Antichrist (Refer to False Church)

§        Antichrist’s Power over God’s Saints (Refer to Saints)

§        Antichrist Persecutes the Jews at the start of the second half of the Great Tribulation (Refer to Abomination of Desolation)

§        Satan incarnates Antichrist during the second half of the Great Tribulation

§        Antichrist fights and defeats Russia and Arab countries (Refer to Russia)

§        Antichrist fights and defeats China and her allies (Refer to China)

§        Antichrist attacks Jerusalem at the end of Great Tribulation

§        Jesus Christ judge Antichrist and False Prophets

§        Jesus Christ destroys antichrist’s Forces (Refer to Jesus Christ)

o     Anti-Semitism

o     Apollyon

o     Armageddon

o     Asteroid

§       …. or huge Meteor collides with Earth during first half of the Great Tribulation

§       Will an Asteroid hit the Earth in the year 2014?

o     A


o     Babylon

§       Judgements on the two Babylons during the second half of the Great Tribulation

§       Judgement of the first Babylon or the False Church (Refer to False Church)

§       Judgement of the second Babylon or a City in Iraq

o     Battle of Armageddon

§       A Woman’s Account of Armageddon (Refer to Mary Baxter)

o     Beast

§        Mark of the Beast

§        Image of the Beast

§        Persecution of those refusing the Mark of the Beast

§        Consequences of receiving Mark of the Beast

o     BEMA Seat of Christ

o     The Bible

o     Black Horse of the First Half of the Great Tribulation

o     Blood

§       Blood of the Lamb (Jesus) cleanses the Saints during the first half of the Great Tribulation

§       Blood of martyrs of Jesus Christ cries for vengeance during first half of Great Tribulation

§       The Moon appearing as blood during the first half of the Great Tribulation

§       Blood mingled with Fire and Hail destroys third part of trees during the first half of the Great Tribulation

§       Sea became blood during the first half of the Great Tribulation

§       Water turning into blood during the second half of Great Tribulation (Refer to Water)

o     Book of Revelation commentaries

§        Chapter 6  /verses 4/verse 5/verse 8/verse 9/verse 10/verse 11/verse 12/ verses 13 – 17/

§        Chapter 7  /verses 1 – 17/

§        Chapter 8  /verse 7/verse 8,9/verses 10,11/verse 12/

§        Chapter 9  /verses 1-11/

o     Bottomless Pit

§       Smoke and Locust comes out of the Bottomless Pit during the first half of the Great Tribulation

o     Bowl Judgements of the book of Revelation

§       First Bowl Judgement

o     Breastplate

§       Breastplates of  iron of the Demonic Locusts of the first half of the Great Tribulation

o     B




o     China

§        … invades the Middle East during the first half of the Great Tribulation

§        Description of the invasion

§        Christ’s Church Age between the 69th and 70th Week of Daniel’s Prophecy (Refer to Great Tribulation)

§        The false church (Refer to False Church)




o     The Book of Daniel

§       Daniel’s Prophecy of Seventy Weeks (Refer to Great Tribulation)

o     Darkness

§       Atmosphere darkens during the first half of the Great Tribulation

§       Judgement of Darkness during the second half of the Great Tribulation

o     Day

§       The Day shone not for a third part of it during the first half of the Great Tribulation

o     Death

§       People seeking Death as a result of Torments from Demonic Scorpions during the first half of the Great Tribulation

§       Death and Resurrection of Antichrist (Refer to Antichrist)

§       Preparation of deaths and destructions at Armaggedon during the second half of the Great Tribulation

o     Death and Hell

§        Over one billion human beings dies after Russia Invasion

§       More than one and half dies after China’s Invasion of Middle East

o     Demons

§       Demonic locust invades the Earth during the first half of Great Tribulation

o     Desolation

§       Abomination of Desolation (Refer to Abomination…..)

o     Diseases

o     D




o     Earth

§         Peace taken from Earth during first half of Great Tribulation

§       …collides with an Asteroid during the first half of the Great Tribulation (Refer to Asteroid)

o     Earthquakes

§       Widespread of Earthquakes as signs of Christ second coming

§       Great Earthquake during the nuclear holocaust of the first half of the Great Tribulation

§       Greatest Earthquake in human history takes place during the second half of the Great Tribulation

o     Elijah

§       Elijah as a witness during the Great Tribulation (Refer to Two Witnesses)

o     Environment

§       Changes in Environment as a sign of Christ’s second coming

o     Eschatology

o     Evangelists

§       Angels with everlasting gospel during the second half of Great Tribulation (Refer to Angels)

o     E


o     False Church

§        False sheds blood of Christ’s saint during first half of Great Tribulation

§        False church imitates Christ’s true church

§        False Church Receives Antichrist’s Support during the second half of the Great Tribulation

§        Deceits, Lies and Perversion of the False Church

§        God destroys the False Church through Antichrist

§        Judgement of the False church during the second half of the Great Tribulation

o     False Prophet

§       The False prophet and Mark of the Beast during the Great Tribulation

§       The False Prophet lies and Deception during the Great Tribulation

§       Jesus Christ judge Antichrist and False Prophets (Refer to Antichrist)

o     Famines

§        ….as Signs of Christ Coming

§       ….during the first half of the Great Tribulation

o     Fire

§       Fires mingled with Hail and Blood  destroys third part of trees during the first half of the Great Tribulation

§       Mountain burning with Fire cast into the Sea during the first half of the Great Tribulation

o     Forehead

§       Seal of God on His Servants forehead during the first half of the Great Tribulation

o     Founder of Christ Coming Ministry

§       Dayo Omoyele




o     Gift of Salvation

§       Obtaining the Gift of Salvation (Refer to Salvation)

o     “Goat” Nations

§       Judgement of the Goat Nations (Refer to Nations)

o     Gog and Magog (refer to Russia)

o     Government

§       One World

o     Gospel

§       Of Jesus Christ being preached among all nations

o     Grasses

§       Third part of Green grasses destroyed during the first half of the Great Tribulation

o     Great Tribulation

§       What is Great Tribulation?

§       Great Tribulation after Rapture (Refer to Rapture)

§       Daniel’s Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks

§       Church Age between the 69th and 70th Week of Daniel’s Prophecy

§       First Half of Great Tribulation

§       Second Half of Great Tribulation

o     Great White Throne Judgement




o     Hail Stone and Fire

§       Hail Stones during the first half of the Great Tribulation

§       Greatest fall of Hail Stones during the second half of the Great Tribulation

o     Heat Wave

§       Unbearable Heat Wave during the second half of the Great Tribulation (Refer to Sun)

o     Heaven

§       Heaven departing as a scroll during a Nuclear Holocaust of the first half of the Great Tribulation

o     Horse

§       White horse ridden by antichrist (Refer to Seal Judgement; First)

§       Red horse took peace from earth during first half of Great Tribulation

§       Black horse causes famine on earth during first half of Great Tribulation

§       Pale horse causes deaths on earth during first half of Great Tribulation

o     H




o     Image

§       Image of the Beast (refer to Beast)

o     Invasion of the Middle East

§        ….from Russia (refer to Russia)

§       ….from China and the Orient (refer to China)

o     Iraq

§       Judgement of the Babylon in Iraq during the second half of the Great Tribulation (Refer to Babylon)

o     Israel

§        Rebirth

§       Political climate around

§       Fruitfulness

§       Third Temple

o     I




o     Jesus Christ

§       Who Is Jesus Christ?

§       Jesus Christ Birth

§       Jesus Christ's Beating and Suffering

§       Jesus Christ Death on the Cross

§       Jesus Christ Resurrection

§       Jesus Christ offers Salvation (Refer to Salvation)

§       Jesus Christ judges believers after the rapture (Refer to BEMA)

§       His Rule on Earth for a thousand years

§       Jesus Christ Appears in the Sky to deliver the Jews before Armageddon

§       Jesus Christ judge Antichrist and False Prophets (Refer to Antichrist)

§       Jesus Christ destroys antichrist’s Forces

§       “Many are called, but few is Chosen” by Jesus Christ

o     Jews or Jewish

§       Persecution (Refer to Abomination of Desolation)

§       Jesus Christ Appears in the Sky to deliver the Jews before Armageddon (Refer to Jesus Christ)

o     Judgements

§       Judgement seat of Christ for believers (Refer to BEMA)

§       Judgement of two Babylons during the second half of the Great Tribulation (Refer to Babylon)

§       Judgement of the first Babylon or the False Church (Refer to False Church)

§       Judgement of the second Babylon or a City in Iraq (Refer to Babylon)

§       Judgement of the Nations after Battle of Armageddon

§       Bowl Judgement of the Book of Revelation (Refer to Bowl Judgment)

§       Seal Judgement of the Book of Revelation (Refer to Seal Judgment)

§       Trumpets Judgement of the Book of Revelation (Refer to Trumpets Judgement)

§       Woe Judgement of the Book of Revelation (Refer to Woe Judgement)

§       Vial Judgement of the Book of Revelation (Refer to Vial Judgement)

o     J




o     Knowledge

§        Increase in knowledge as a sign of christ second coming

o     K




o     Lake of Fire

o     Lamb

§       The Lamb (Jesus) reveals His wrath during the Nuclear Holocaust of the Great Tribulation

§       The Lamb’s Marriage supper takes place in Heaven (Refer to Marriage)

o     Lamp

§       Great Star from heaven burns as lamp during the first half of the Great Tribulation

o     Locusts

§       Demonic Locust invades planet during the first of Great Tribulation (Refer to Demonic Locust)

o     L




o     Magog and Gog (refer to Russia)

o     Mark

§       Mark of the Beast (refer to False prophet)

§        Persecution of those refusing the Mark of the Beast (Refer to Beast)

§       Consequences of receiving Mark of the Beast (Refer to Beast)

o     Marriage

§       Marriage supper of the Lamb takes place in heaven

§       How will the Marriage Supper take Place?

§       Christ Union with his Bride during the Marriage Supper

§       The “Guests” of the Marriage Supper

o     Mary Baxter

§       A Woman’s Account of Armageddon

o     Messiah

o     Meteor

§       …. or Asteroid collides with the Earth during the Great Tribulation (Refer to Asteroid)

o     Middle East

§        Invaded by Russia (refer to Russia)

§       Invaded by China and the Orient (Refer to China)

o     Millennial Reign of Christ

o     Ministry

§       Ministry of Angelic Evangelists during the Great Tribulation (Refer to Angels)

o     Moon

§       The Moon appearing as blood during the first half of the Great Tribulation

§       Third part of the Moon darkened during the first half of the Great Tribulation

o     Morality

o     Moses

§       Moses as a witness during the Great Tribulation (Refer to Two Witnesses)

o     Mountain

§       Great Mountain Burning with Fire cast into the Seat  during the first half of the Great Tribulation

o     M




o     Nations

§       Ascension of the Antichrist over the Nations (Refer to Antichrist)

§       Judgement of the Nations after the Battle of Armageddon (Refer to Judgements)

§       Judgement of the “Sheep” and “Goat” Nations

o     New Heaven and Earth

o     Nuclear Weapon

o     Nuclear Holocaust during the first half of the Great Tribulation

o     N


o     Occult

o     O




o     Pale Horse of the First Half of the Great Tribulation

o     Persecution

§       Intensification of Persecution as sign of Christ coming

§       Persecution of the Jews during the Great Tribulation (Refer to Abomination of Desolation)

§       Persecution of those who refuses the Mark of the Beast (Refer to Beast)

o     Pestilences

o     Prayer for Salvation

§       Prayer of Salvation (Refer to Salvation)

o     Pre-millennial reign

o     Prophet

§       False prophet of the Great Tribulation (Refer to False Prophet)

o     Post-millennial reign







o     Rapture of the Christian Church

§        What is

§       What it entails

§       Purpose of

§       Proof of Rapture before Great Tribulation

§       Difference between Rapture and Second Coming

§       When will Rapture take place?

§       Participant

§       Qualification to make Rapture

§       Those who will miss Rapture

§       What happens after Rapture (Refer to Bema Seat of Christ)

o     Red Horse took peace from Earth during first half of Great Tribulation

o     Religious System

§        False

o     Religious Unity

o     Resurrection

§        First phase of righteous

§        Second phase of righteous

§        Third phase of righteous

§       of the unrighteous

§       Reasons for ….

§       Capability of Resurrected body

§       Death and Resurrection of Antichrist (Refer to Antichrist)

o     Revived Roman Empire

§        Ten kingdoms of the Revived Roman Empire

o     Revelation

§       Commentaries on the book of Revelation chapters 4 to 19 (Refer to Book of Revelation)

o     Rivers and Waters (Refer to Waters and Rivers)

o     Robes

§       Robes washed in the blood of the Lamb during the first half of the Great Tribulation

o     Russia Invades the Middle East

§        Identification of Gog and Magog

§       Defeat of Russia and her Allies

o     R

o     R




o     Saints

§        Great Revival and Mass Conversion to Jesus Christ during the first half of the Great Tribulation

§       Persecutions of the Saints during the first half of the Great Tribulation

§       Antichrist's Power over God's Saints during the Great Tribulation

o     Salvation through Jesus Christ

§       Why the need for salvation?

§       Provision for Salvation

§       God’s free Gift of Salvation

§       Obtaining God's free Gift of Salvation

§       Prayer of Salvation

o     Satan

§       Satan incarnates Antichrist (Refer to Antichrist)

§       Satan and the Fallen Angels thrown out of Heaven at the start of second half of the Great Tribulation

o     Satanism

o     Scorpion

§       Scorpions afflicts during the first half of the Great Tribulation

o     Scroll

§       The heavens departing as a scroll during the holocaust of the first half of the Great Tribulation

o     Sea

§       The Sea became blood during the first half of the Great Tribulation

o     Seal

§       God’s Seal on His Saints or Servant during the first half the Great Tribulation

§       Men without the Seal of God are hurt by Demonic Locust during the first half of the Great Tribulation

o     Seal Judgements of the Book of Revelation

§       First Seal

§       Second Seal

§       Third Seal

§       Fourth Seal

§       Fifth Seal

§       Sixth Seal

§       Seventh Seal

o     “Sheep” Nations

§       Judgement of the Sheep Nations (Refer to Nations)

o     Ships

§       Third part of Ships destroyed in the Sea during the first half of the Great Tribulation

o     Signs of Christ Coming

o     Smoke

§       Smoke and Locusts comes out of the Bottomless Pit during the first half of the Great Tribulation

o     Sodomy

o     Sores

§       Sores breaking out of Human bodies during the second half of Great Tribulation

o     Souls of Believers Killed during the First Half of Great Tribulation

o     Star

§       Great Star from heaven fell on rivers during the first half of the Great Tribulation

§       Third part of the stars darkened during the first half of the Great Tribulation

o     Sun

§       The Sun turning dark during the first half of the Great Tribulation

§       Third part of the Sun smitten with darkness during the first half of the Great Tribulation

§       Scotching of the sun causes unbearable heat wave during the second half of the Great Tribulation

o     Supper

§       Marriage supper of the lamb in Heaven (Refer to Marriage)

o     S




o     Technology

§       Travel

§       Image of the Beast

§       Nuclear Weapons

o     Ten Kingdom of the Revived Roman Empire (Refer to Revived Roman Empire)

o     Third

§       Third part of Ships destroyed during the First Half of the Great Tribulation

§       Third part of Rivers poisoned during the First Half of the Great Tribulation

o     Torment

§       Torments from Demonic Scorpions for five months during the first half of the Great Tribulation

o     Trees

§       Third part of trees destroyed during the first half of the Great Tribulation

o     Trumpets Judgement of the Book of Revelation

§       First Trumpet

§       Second Trumpet

§       Third Trumpet

§       Fourth Trumpet

§       Fifth Trumpet

§       Sixth Trumpet

§       Seventh Trumpet

o     Two Witnesses of the Great Tribulation

§       Moses and  Elijah will be the two witnesses?

§       Spirit and Power of Elijah

§       Ministry and death of the two Witnesses

o     T





o     Vial Judgements of the Book of Revelation

§       First Vial Judgement

§       Second Vial Judgement

§       Third Vial Judgement

§       Fourth Vial Judgement

§       Fifth Vial Judgement

§       Sixth Vial Judgement

§       Seventh Vial Judgement

o     Violence

o     V




o     Wars and Rumours of War

o     Waters and Rivers

§       Contamination of waters supply during the first half of the Great Tribulation

§       Water turning into blood during the second half of the Great Tribulation

o     White horse

§       Ridden by antichrist (Refer to Seal Judgement; First)

o     White Robe of Salvation Given to the Saints during the First Half of Great Tribulation

o     Witnesses during the Great Tribulation (Refer to Two Witnesses)

o     World War Three

§        Russia invasion sparks ….. (Refer to Russia)

§        Famine through ….(Refer to Famine)

o     Woe Judgement

§        First Woe in Revelation chapter 9 verse 12

§        Second Woe of Earthquake striking Jerusalem after the death of the two witnesses in Revelation chapter 11 verse 14